Saturday, August 22, 2009

7, 8, 9, feeling fine, 10, 11, 12, ready to delve...

Time to finish these rules already, right? Let's get on with it!

Rule #7: Be Sure to Use the Mirror in the Dressing Room: Learn the Mirror-Image Rule

This chapter explains that often people tend to search for their mirror images, or rather someone who is a lot like ourselves, and ultimately we are happiest when we can achieve this idea. It seems like it's almost human nature to look for our reflections in other people and falling in love with the person who can provide our best image. The chapter also provides some additional PGHM insight:

The Similarity Rule:
Find Your Mirror Image

You and Your Guy - Do You Match on the Following:

Similar intelligence levels PGHM Meter: 8
Similar emotional responses PGHM Meter: 9
Similar personalities PGHM Meter: 8

Overall, I feel pretty neutral about this chapter. I wasn't offended. But I wasn't moved. These seem like obvious suggestions... but perhaps reconsidering them will prove to be influential.

Rule #8: Search for GUI: Good User Interface

Horray! A chapter that celebrates the value of good communication! And, oddly enough, I'm not being sarcastic here. But unfortunately, that's where it ends. Chapter eight states that it is important to find someone who can communicate with you... but doesn't offer additional insight on where to find them.

Rule #9: Listen to the Real Experts When Deciding on the Options

Okay, so this chapter's main focus was to go back and highlight the importance of the other rules listed so far. (Good guts, good engine, black dress among men, mirror image, etc.) And then it provides some additional thoughts on the good ole PGHM Meter. Here's their list:

Similar taste in food: PGHM Meter: 8
Similar education levels: PGHM Meter: 8
Shared love of sports: PGHM Meter: 5
Similar television preferences: PGHM Meter: 6
Shared appreciation for, or aversion to, the outdoors: PGHM Meter: 7
Shared interest in culture: PGHM Meter: 3
Love of the in-laws: PGHM Meter: 2
Close Age Span: PGHM Meter: 3
Agreement on work after kids: PGHM Meter: 3
Similar politics: PGHM Meter: 5
He likes your friends: PGHM Meter: 9
You agree on where to live: PGHM Meter: 7
You agree on having kids: PGHM Meter: 10
You see eye to eye on money: PGHM Meter: 9
You're aligned when it comes to the bedroom: PGHM Meter: 10

Now, I'm not that interested in the PGHM Meter to begin with... I think it's sort of strange that it's dictating where we should compromise and what's most important though. I also have an issue with the ranking for "interest in culture" and "love of the in-laws" as personally those two things are very high on my list. But good to know the book is dedicated to us finding success in the bedroom, right?

Rule #10: Know a Guy's History - Is He a Marrier or a Player or, Worst of All, Both?

Chapter ten identifies that there are three types of men: marriers, just plain players, and marrying players. (Their words, not mine.) And that it's essential to find out the type of guy you are with before you get married. The book also states that "marriers" are never on the market long and that if "he looks like a good buy, nab him!" Oh, easier said then done. I wish it was that simple! To put it into shopping terms for you, book, sometimes I can't afford items I would love to buy and sometimes those items don't want to come home with me. Sadly, I learned very little from this chapter and now feel a little poor.

Rule # 11: After-Purchase Repairs and Alterations: Know When the Hems Can Be Altered and the Sleeves Taken Up

Another look at where to settle and compromise. As they put it, "options can be altered. Guts cannot." And continues with suggesting that while most people don't really change, if you hope to open your love up to some new possibilies and thoughts that we need to do it gently and kindly. Okay, fine. But really, I don't think I'm truly any closer to finding a husband.

Rule #12: Look for the Right Fit: Must He Be One-of-a-Kind, or Can You Go with Ready-to-Wear?

Yes! The last chapter of the rules! In this last section, we are told that the key to success is in the timing and in the location. Once again, duh. The chapter concludes with all of the PGHM points put together in a list formation... which they suggest cutting out and carrying with you so you "don't make any mistakes". No. I don't think I'm going to be doing that... I can't imagine anyone ever wanting to marry or even date me again after seeing me bust that thing out.

Well, folks, we made it out of the rules! Now on to Part II... where I actually get to start humiliating myself! Stay tuned.

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