Thursday, June 18, 2009

An Attempt To End Solitude for Summer Solstice

All year my mother has anxiously awaited my reaction for a special gift she ordered for me off of a television special. After months of anticipation the "gift" finally arrived in the mail. To my horror and amusement I found the book: "How to Shop for a Husband" and my mother's sincere hope that I won't be single much longer packaged together in a white envelope.

After a wave of emotions, I decided that merely mocking the book wouldn't actually make me feel better; throwing it away wouldn't necessarily make it go away; and simply passing it off to my sister never really seemed like much of an option either. So I rationalized that the only way to do this "gift" justice was to actually read it, attempt the teachings, and discover all the awkward and amusing antics that follow when one tries to take a book like "How to Shop for a Husband" seriously. (And please note that I'm not trying to make fun or belittle those who may have purchased this book to find an end to their singleton... I just want to explore it all through a skeptic's eyes.)

As we approach the upcoming summer solstice, ironically enough, the date my parents were married, I will be... wait for it... attempting to shop for a husband!

Okay, no, not really. I can't quite picture myself married by the fall. But hopefully this will provide an interesting summer adventure story.

June 21st marks the first day of summer of 2009, the longest day of the year, and it will also mark the start of my challenge. So I wish you all the best on your own summer tales and hope you'll care to stay tuned to how this one plays out...


  1. Would you believe I'm a little bit jealous? If you need a second test dummy, I'll be glad to help. Godbless this book.

  2. I am so curious as to how one goes about shopping for a husband. I mean, I was just in Target and I must have missed the husband aisle. Please keep us posted.
